lundi 1 avril 2019

polyglot 2011 by MM 19

this video remix is to recycle old sound files from 2k 11 *
in Paris under Sarkozy & chemical psychotropes by force *
now a Revolution's going ? maybe every year's going *
what matters is to stop this bloody sacrifice *
two drawings recent are shown *
some guitar is played last night *

#art contemporain, #punk, #flamenco, #électro-acoustique, #bass & drums, #haiku, #cursed poet, #southern spain, #lumpen conscience, #expresionismo retro, #avantgarde chaude, #dionisiaco, #Paris, #néopauvre, #trap, #garbage philosophy, #concert, #Albaicín, #caves, #underground, #neoplatonic, #cínico, #shirt, #fashion, #style, #painter, #cainita, #creatividad taurina, #sonidos negros, #nana intelectual, #métrica y rítmica, #anarchy, #Tartuffe, #daliniano, #klossowskiano, #Sosie, #cinéma, #paparazzi, #hippy, #erotismo, #moustache, #tupé, #rock progresivo

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