dimanche 30 septembre 2018

Damn City Girls by Eleodora Nesúa,Arthur Louis Cingualte & Manuel Montero

hype loubard art critizen & rock'n roll shoegazer Arthur Louis Cingualte had a novel Les latines rutilantes, where he wanted to consacrate to South Amerika and hommage like this of Flaubert to the brothels of Tangier dans Salambo

So when mi ex wife and painter (devant God not the church not even papers) and friend we registered a papotage on precolombian traveis it was to him the Prima Materia to a work introducing my collages on a livre d'art néopauvre

#Diadorim, #shawarmaness, #deepdiapo, #rotring, #freshmastership, #néopauvre, #lumpenconscience, #teatrodeazufre, #quiétisme, #faeriequeene, #ezrapawn, #pinturaexpandida, #tarot, #Rayuela

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