dimanche 30 septembre 2018

cahier d'enfance d'un génie né en 1970

the screen shows my childhood sketches and the voice performs sort of gypsy prayer, may we say that also for a child artist should art be the trade on a method to customize Ontology ?

because of the life of my father at the University those years I was familiar with all kind of art, more than my fellows in school that where only influenced by folklore at some regards - I may say nonobstant that we had anyway everybody the habit of reading books, but my library was boosted and I passed more time on books - I had been a small boy that discussed on Piaget's theory's of the child art expression

tags are displayed on setting an context of my life to understand, not to define my working in Art as something

#toñatustra, #latiadelabanico, #librosplúmbeos, #Barataria, #Meligrana, #Apuleyo, #septiembrenegro, #losQuero, #misceláneodeSalomón, #kethermalkout, #tehorim, #Harpocrates, #zengakuren, #albarracin, #Prisciliano, #JulianaCabrera, #procesoaKissinger, #MAL, #MouvementdAgitationLibertaire, #MovimientodeAgitaciónLibertaria, #PartidesIndigènesdelaRépublique, #elniñodelpeloverde, #pinturaexpandida, #psicoanálisis, #Rayuela, #modernismo, #Narzeo, #yearofthedog, #dibujante, #Amerika, #MortàVenise

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