samedi 28 novembre 2020
Isabelle Stengers: faire commun face au désastre
UN COLOR ( h q (¡ii iii)
Prima conferenza su (i.e. contro!) la teoria rosso-bruna del filosofo Di...
mercredi 25 novembre 2020
À la recherche du temps perdu - 6e lecture, par Françoise Gillard
lundi 23 novembre 2020
rue oberkampf- que reste-t-il de notre amour ?
Catherine Malabou. Anthropocene, a new history? 2015
samedi 21 novembre 2020
vendredi 20 novembre 2020
totemic sense
jeudi 19 novembre 2020
cynical in the
Si Mañana Me Muero
mardi 17 novembre 2020
cronique d'un riz cramé
Ilegales - Destruye (Quito - Ecuador) 09-03-2019
lundi 16 novembre 2020
chinoiserie 2 nova montero
à part l'éditrice espagnole Marcela de Juan, dont j'ignore le sort, et qui a fourni la traduction espagnole de base datant des 1970's, nous sommes plusieurs artistes à avoir mis notre touche dans ce bijou en jade blanc qui est notre chinoiserie, en porcelaine, en nacre
veuille un mécènes abreuver de liqueur et baume cette troupe fatiguée, et lui prêter le pré des nomades
Alhambra, Luna Llena de Agosto 2018, gato espontáneo
we made the music some years ago; Hurlante Nova and me
I will disconnect the download button for this because we have no paper signed - new : FREE DOWNLOAD (the situation of each of my works, wich means I publish under confidence and measuring the effects and taking in count the taste and remembering the choice made by my fellow artists most of times )
so please, my friend, Hurlante Nova, when you see this "mise en vue"
my account (for the reasons explained) is fragile
I am proceeding with prudence and let you consider it's a hand to forget this troubled modern life of Paris and recover and dignify our friendship of the past ( this shall I consider)
both painters, fancy outsiders, we where performing for the Art
and we where giving to the World and Memory an element to approach Chinese culture
passing through several languages, in hypnotic trance, by the beat of your guitar, I translated at first reading the more ancient poetry of China, and I can no other thing than be proud because I consider this is in translations I give the best of my poet's mind, even if it happens to write, real poetry has never come like this (sorry for the effects)
the image is a ralenti black&white view of the Alhambra from the roofs of the Albayzin (or Albaicín ) when the full moon of august was rising and the hazard of my poor ready-found-closet-food rice with tea leafs and sesame was vapouring at my window and a cat came sit by the moon
let me tell you that for the next video (if Hurlante Nova has no problem) I mixed another Chinese classic made at the same session (another cut of a whatever long soundtrack) this time Li Po with China Inks made by myself from poses this same month of august of the mother of my son an artist herself, Eleodora Nesua, and guide spirituelle
also tet it be known the poet for the portraits is Li Po but not the written poems on the cotton paper that appears, that are sms same period of summer I made the inks
also let it be known between the apparition of a cat at the rising of the august moon and the Alhambra and the next visual take with the inks, dear Hurlante Nova... you know the different grigris, I think, that have since a long time surrounded my Patience Bouddha in ceramic by Patience Tison, that's also a simulacre of Yoga and a martial light warrior, well, there was some of them I took with me to travel like you surely know to Granada
some of the objects were washed with rhum and bicarbonate after the full moon
others were oint with honey
some of them came back to Paris
a bat entered from the small bronze bell window of the sleeping room
she flied directly through the kitchen couloir to the room
this was important
an object, no, a collier with a cauri
myself get a pawn on the south delta
is the pawn of the leopard of the farce
the book itself of the muse given to adoration of our mountains
as a part of an Himalaya of the saints or a Tebaida
wisdom will inspire the wave
I will unblock you on FB please have pity, i've tried to open last time, the door kept closed, I think we were still too speed to refresh this way our friendship after the malentendu
... next time, just be comprehensive
if we must do papers we do, just tell me how,
Manuel Montero
Los indígenas dela Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta piden no nombrar al virus para no atraerlo
cierto, y llamarlo por el nombre de animal que lo representa chamánicamente, ya que es la comadreja y el pangolín quienes lo portaron antes que el humano, y después otros animales pero no cualesquiera, es fascinante si no fuese tan anxiógeno, pues, como decían los latinos "timor fecit deos"
y ni la comadreja ni el pangolín pensaban en pasarlo pero como se los comieron pues eso
en verano del 18, en plena luna llena de agosto, al subir al cielo, entró por mi ventana una hembra de murciélago (o un murciélago muy femenino en todo caso porque lo percibía uno) y yo acababa de invocar el Universo haciendo un brebaje en el hueco de un astrolabio esférico / usé ron de caña Montero, una marca de Motril que no me consta que sea de mi familia pero tiene mi mismo apellido, también había visto un gato en conjunción con el ascendente lunar, presentí que habría grandes fenómenos, y temblé fuertemente, o fue la mezcla del ron con el bicarbonato, no sé..
structure de spore
Malleus Maleficarum
qu'on me traite de bizarre parce que je demande à savoir où tombent les bombes fabriquées en France, cela met en question le fondement éthique de la santé mentale