as Faire are to be in head of godship as we call godhead.
Black gods were devoted to humanness and to labour and the metal
of first creators First Nigra Fair inside were on the hollows of head.
Gods were booden swords of fight against spirit, or illness or madness
of men intruded to adult mankind and of fight against the rapture of children by fate.
You muste be intruded to which they ate
and to sensual sadness
of ancestral birds dialogue and its fairie signification.
Hate was a delicious drunkenness to give to oneself
such they were made in manner of style of each nation
Stronger than one sole nation was Nigra Fair
and she employed herself to various matters and prayers.
Witchcraft occupated her in a non-stop war.
She was known by sorcerers as a betrayer
kind of beberage, as a charm over the charm,
and therefore they smiled of their defeat.
Eating lions was in her sound !
The African diaspora or this first Nigra rapture by white devil
left a falling swing of kind and wise in her,
but stronger than one sole nation she could move earth
and times become faster and the Abraxas of voice expanding
power and unavoid the dance and the hunting of pleasure.
The knight was told by latin books that this Fair
was far in the horizon womb of death and birth
and must be known firstly as magic companion
and be respected. Mental image was useless
onions of paperback and the kings of any pleasure.
The knight sang a fair calling on the mountain road
and founded a castle on a fishing net and a moon
reflected by dust, and some superstitions on sacred,
as he knew in flesh a goddess and was told
the music of repeated O and the coloured dawn of an opium flower
He and She equally artists, black and white fotos
united them both in the kiss of the unique moment
and of scissors of witchcraft in order of composition.
Insistence on a work made heavy colors and distortion
of pelvis in the search of union with eye of sex.
The stranger fair appears in the land of tired
so is said by prophecy and my tips percussion so anounce.
The beberage of slavery is not expensive to forget
and is like a greek voluta or a vicious fight in bed.
Revolution of planets onto a lot of stercoris
persistence of life in a living town
milk of snow terror lust
conversion onto foolish apocalyptical
accomplished by war sphere strenght to betray
unsayeble glances of fortune statues
my dream evening coffee sky and cold fire of she-planet